Karate…Not Only For The Youth

By Hannah Paskal
Most people know Karate has been around for years and years. This wonderful sport is not only for the youth; it has great benefits for the elderly as well. Not only is it good to learn this to defend oneself, but also as we age, it’s important to stay in shape physically, mentally and emotionally. This is where Karate comes into play.
When I think of the benefits of Karate and what it can do for senior citizens, I think of my grandparents. And how it can help them. Aging affects balance, memory, coordination and flexibility. Doing Tae Kwon Do not only can improve these things, but can strengthen the body, build the mind, bringing them confidence and encouragement.
Another benefit of Martial Arts and my favorite is the self-defense section of the class. By showing the elderly some simple ways to break out of a hold someone may have on them, it can bring them a little bit of peace in what can be a very scary situation. It can help the elderly feel confident and help protect him or her from someone who might be trying to harm them.
This is why I would one-day, love to see my grandparents do this wonderful sport.

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